Botox And Juvederm – Case Study

Botox And Juvederm – Case Study

Why Tammy chose Dr. Sax Tammy has been a patient of Dr. Sax since not long after he opened his practice and has been continuously impressed by the treatment she receives. She was initially referred to Dr. Sax by her primary care physician for a skin cancer diagnosis...
Sculptra® FAQ’s – What You Need To Know

Sculptra® FAQ’s – What You Need To Know

Here at University Park Dermatology we are always on hand to talk to our patients about the procedures we offer.  We understand that some patients may be nervous about making changes to the way they look, and want them to feel that they are in safe hands. If you are...
Sculptra – 5 Great reasons to get it

Sculptra – 5 Great reasons to get it

A loss of collagen is one of the major reasons behind facial aging. There are ways to combat this through creams, lotions and diet. However these options usually only provide temporary improvement. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that stimulates the...